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Hubspot Integration
Updated over a week ago


1. Overview

Adpulse has a native Hubspot App, that allows you to:

  • Import an Ad Account to your Adpulse

  • Assign an Adpulse Budget Template to the account

  • Assign a Budget Target value to the template

  • Adds a 'CRM Card' to the Company Profile

Workflow Actions

The Hubspot App enables four Workflow Actions that can only be used within a Company Workflow in Hubspot.

Hubspot App Workflow Actions

Each Workflow Action requires mapping to relevant fields within The Hubspot Account. The Company Properties that are required to be mapped within the Adpulse Workflow Action are:

Company Property required


Expected Value

Google CID

The Google Ad Account CID for the Company


Microsoft ID

The Microsoft Ads ID for the Company

Budget Target Value

The Budget target for the template. Adpulse will use the currency of the imported Ad Account

Whole number (No decimal places)

The Adpulse Workflow Action creates a number of outputs and they can be copied to new Company Properties within Hubspot to provide the output from the Workflow Action. These are optional as new properties that can be created within the Hubspot Account to provide confirmation the Action was processed successfully.

Adpulse Properties


Field Type in Hubspot

Adpulse Ad Account ID

This is a repeat of the Ad Account ID mapped in the Workflow Action

Single-line Text

Adpulse Budget ID

The Budget value for the period (ie. monthly budget target)

Single-line Text


Confirms an Account Budget was created in Adpulse using the Budget Template and Budget Target

Single-line Text

Import Error Code

Adpulse error code

Single-line Text

Import Error Message

Only present when errors occurred. It contains a detailed message about the cause of the error.

Single-line Text

Import Result

Either 'Success' or 'Failure'

Single-line Text

CRM Card

'CRM Cards' are the panels on the right-hand side of a Company Profile in Hubspot. Once configured, it will display data from the Account Budget of the Company. The data refreshes each time you load the Company Profile page.

The CRM Card Displays the below fields from the Account Budget only.

The data within the CRM Card is not assigned to a Hubspot Property, and therefore cannot be used in Filters, workflows, etc.

2. How To Install the Hubspot Integration

You initiate the Hubspot App Installation from within Adpulse - as opposed to going via the Hubspot App Marketplace.

Step 1 - Navigate to Settings > Connections > Hubspot Integration and click 'Install Hubspot App'

Step 2 - Authenticate using Hubspot credentials

  • Select your Hubpot Account

    • The user account used when connecting becomes the credentials for the integration. Should this user be removed from the Hubspot account, the integration will fail.

    • The below page will display, this is due to the Adpulse Hubspot App being new and not having a certain number of installations.

Step 3 - Connection confirmation within Adpulse

You will be navigated back automatically to Adpulse, with the page being updated to confirm the connected Hubspot Account and the user credentials used.

3. Hubspot Properties

Required Company Properties within Hubspot

The Workflow Action requires mapping to Company Properties. These can be existing properties (Eg. Google CID), or they need to be created (Eg. Import To Adpulse)

The Company Properties that are required to be mapped within the Adpulse Workflow Action are:

Company Property required


Expected Value

Google CID

The Google Ad Account CID for the Company


Microsoft ID

The Microsoft Ads ID for the Company


Budget Target Value

The Budget target for the template. Adpulse will use the currency of the imported Ad Account


Import To Adpulse

We'd recommend creating a new Company Property with a yes/no value to act as the trigger for the Workflow


Optional Company Properties

The Adpulse Workflow Action creates a number of outputs and they can be copied to new Company Properties within Hubspot to provide the output from the Workflow Action. These are optional as new properties that can be created within the Hubspot Account to provide confirmation the Action was processed successfully.

Adpulse Properties


Field Type in Hubspot

Adpulse Ad Account ID

This is a repeat of the Ad Account ID mapped in the Workflow Action

Single-line Text

Adpulse Budget ID

The Adpulse Ads ID for the Company

Single-line Text

Budget Status

Confirms an Account Budget was created in Adpulse using the Budget Template and Budget Target

Single-line Text

Import Error Code

Adpulse error code

Single-line Text

Import Error Message

Adpulse error code description. See Troubleshooting

Single-line Text

Import Result

Either 'Success' or 'Failure'

Single-line Text

4. Overview of the Workflow Actions

The Hubspot App enables four Workflow Actions that can only be used within a Company workflow in Hubspot and then returns back four output fields that can be copied to existing Company Properties to show the Import and Budget creation status.

In order for the Adpulse Workflow Actions with Hubspot to work:

Hubspot App Workflow Actions

Workflow Actions:

1. Import Google Acc + Set Budget

  • Imports a Google Ad Account, using the CID

  • Assigns a specific Adpulse Budget Template - read more about Adpulse Budget Templates

  • Assigns a Budget Target Value - uses the currency of the imported Ad Account

2. UnImport Google Acc

  • Unimports a Google Ad Account, using the CID

3. Import Microsoft Acc + Set Budget

  • Imports a Microsoft Ad Account, using the ID

  • Assigns a specific Adpulse Budget Template - read more about Adpulse Budget Templates

  • Assigns a Budget Target Value - uses the currency of the imported Ad Account

4. Unimport Microsoft Acc

  • Unimports a Microsoft Ad Account, using the ID

5. How to Set up the Workflow Actions

When you add an Adpulse Workflow Action to your Hubspot Workflow, you will be prompted to configure the Action so that it pulls the correct data as per your Hubspot setup. You need to 'map' the first two fields to data fields that already exist within your Hubspot Company Properties.

For the Import Google Acc + Set Budget and Import Microsoft Acc + Set Budget workflow Actions, you will be promoted for the following:

  • Select Google/Microsoft Ad Account ID Field

    • From the dropdown select the Company Property within your Hubpot Account that contains this ID data. This can be in XXX-XXX-XXX or XXXXXXXXX format

  • Select Budget Target Field

    • From the dropdown select the Company Property with your Hubpot Account that contains the Budget target value - this needs to be a whole number (No decimal places). Adpulse will use the currency of the imported Ad Account

  • Select Budget Template

    • This dropdown will display the list of Adpulse Budget Templates within your Adpulse Account. You can view these here. Choose the one you want this Workflow Action to use.

6. How to Set up the Copy Action Output to Company Property

In order to get the outputs of the Adpulse Workflow Action back into your Company Profile you need to use the 'Copy Property Value' Action.

  • Add 'Copy Property Value' Action after the Adpulse Action

  • Select the output you want to copy to your Company Profile

  • Select the destination Company Property (these must be set up in advance of this step)

  • Repeat for each Adpulse Output property you wish to copy

7. Example Hubspot Workflow

The below workflow does:

  • Uses a Company Property as the Trigger

    • 'Import to Adpulse?' Yes/No

  • This agency has two Budget Templates within Adpulse. Each has slightly different settings, so we have a 'value equals' branch to split out the Company Types

  • The Adpulse Workflow Action has been applied to both branches, but each references a different Budget Template. The mapping for Google CID and Budget Target and the same

  • Next are two 'Copy Property Value' Actions - these are to include confirmations to the Company Profile. These copy data from a Workflow Action output to a custom Company Property.

    • Import Result - 'Success' or 'Failure'

    • Budget Status - 'Active' or 'Inactive'

  • We have also added Slack alerts to advise the success status of the import and budget creation.

  • You'll also notice we have a Slack alert for when the Company Type missing - without this, we don't know which Adpulse Budget Template to apply to the Workflow cannot proceed.

    • We have also added updating the initial Trigger to 'no', so that once the Company Type has been entered this could be updated back to 'Yes' to re-enroll the Company in this Workflow.

8. How to configure the CRM Card

The CRM Card will display on every Company Profile within Hubspot when the Adpulse App has been installed in HubSpot.

To map a Company Profile within Hubspot to an Account Budget in Adpulse you need to add two new fields as Company Properties. These need to be populated with the respective IDs. You only need to add the fields for the platforms you use.

The ID for these Company Properties must exactly match what is below otherwise the CRM card will not pull in the correct data




Adpulse Google Ads ID



Adpulse Microsoft Ads ID



Setting up the new Company Property in Hubspot

If you have this data under another property, we'd recommend creating a simple workflow to copy the ID from that property to the one required above. Alternatively, you could just start using this property as the one for your Google and MSA ID.

9. How to Disconnect the Hubspot Integration

  1. Click the 'remove integration' button

10. Troubleshooting

Please email [email protected] if you have any issues with this Hubspot Integration

Error messaging

Below are the possible error messages that would return for 'Import Error Message'.

Error Code

Error Message


The format of the CID/ID is not correct. It should be numerical in an XXX-XXX-XXX or XXXXXXXXX format.


The connection between Adpulse and Hubspot has been lost. Please check here.


This Ad Account has already been imported to your Adpulse account.


Ad Account is not accessible. Please verify ad platform access in Adpulse.


Importing failed due to a conflicting action. Please review your Adpulse account.


The selected Adpulse Budget Template does not exist or has been removed


Service is temporarily unavailable.

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