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AutoPacing Algorithm
Updated over a week ago

When you enable AutoPacing on a Budget in Adpulse, you can choose the right budget calculation method to suit your needs:

  1. Linear Pacing (default)

  2. Responsive Pacing

Linear Pacing (default)

When Linear Pacing is best:

  • You have a small number of campaigns in an Adpulse budget, and you are looking for a smooth spend pattern across the month.

How it works:

  • Looks at the budget that is remaining and the time available to spend it, then allocates that budget evenly across the remaining days. Read more - How does Linear AutoPacing work?

Responsive Pacing

When Responsive Pacing is best:

  • When Linear Pacing is resulting in underpacing, or you need more aggressive budget adjustments with the potential for budgets to be set higher than your daily target spend (within limits) with the goal of 100% pacing.

How it works:

  • Sometimes budgets need to be set higher than your actual spend target in order to encourage the bid strategy to spend your daily target. This algorithm builds on the linear pacing calculation by more aggressively increasing budgets artificially (within limits) in order to raise the daily spend to where it should be. Read more - How does Responsive AutoPacing work?

How to Update your AutoPacing Algorithm

  • Edit the budget from the /budgets page

  • Scroll down to the AutoPacing settings

  • Use the AutoPacing Algorithm dropdown to select the algorithm appropriate for your campaigns

  • Hit save!

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