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How to Snooze or Hide search terms
Updated over a year ago
  • You can 'Snooze' search terms which hides the results from your search terms results for a period of time - usually this is so you can accumulate more data before making a decision. Currently, you can Snooze a search term for 1, 7, or 30 days.

Additionally, you can 'Hide' search terms - this is similar to Snooze in that it'll remove the search term from your results, but indefinitely.

You can Unhide Snoozed or Hidden search terms from the Hidden tab.

1. Review the search terms for an Ad Account

Head to the Search Terms Dashboard on the left-hand navigation of the platform.

Here you will see a list of your Ad Accounts alongside a series of columns that are the predefined 'buckets' that we have classified your search terms into. Click into a bucket (aka Tab) by clicking on the number of search results for that Ad Account for that Tab.

2. Select your search terms individually or in bulk

You can 'Snooze' or 'Hide' each search term individually, using the kebab menu at the end of the row, or by selecting multiple search terms and using the Bulk Actions button. Both of these will display a drop-down box where you can select the snooze duration or 'Hide'

Here are some more search terms articles to help:

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