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Adpulse Updates - 20 February 2024
Adpulse Updates - 20 February 2024
Updated over a week ago

Our first release for 2024, brings quite a few updates, most notably a new Budget Performance visualization page, Beta for Amazon Ads, new Insights, plus a stack of smaller improvements.

  • Budget Performance Page

  • Amazon Ads Open Beta

  • Last X days on Dashboard Budget Performance Graph

  • Download Budget Adjustment History

  • New Daily Budget spend alert

  • New Insights:

    • Remove Display Targeting From Search Campaigns (Google)

    • Ad groups/Ad Sets with zero keywords/ads (All Platforms)

  • Silence Budget Alert notifications for x days at the beginning or end of the period

  • New login options: Microsoft, Facebook, and Amazon

  • Smaller updates

Budget Performance Page

Within each budget is a Budget Performance page, to help visualize how the budget is performing and to allow you to focus on specific metrics for that specific budget.

What the page includes:

  • Display of Quadrant and overview of budget pacing and KPI performance

  • Metric Cards - these can be edited and are saved per budget. There are a range of metrics and date ranges to select.

  • Daily Budget Activity chart that displays the daily budget target, budget, and spend for the last 28 days

  • Budget forecast chart that displays the previous spend for the period by day and the projected spend for the current period

We will be adding other visualizations, so if you have any recommendations please let us know!

Please note: The cards will not display when a Budget is using Google I/O (Google Account Budgets)

Amazon Ads Open Beta

Our Amazon Ads integration is now in Open Beta! connect your Amazon Ads connection here.

  • Create Account and Child budgets with an ACOS KPI

  • Add new keywords

  • Add new negative search terms

Last x Days on Dashboard Budget Performance Graph

You can now select from viewing the last 7,14, or 28 days in addition to the Last Period on the Budget Performance scatter plot graph. This will be especially useful at the beginning of each month as it always takes a few days for the budget pacing to even out.

Download Budget Adjustment History

You can now download a CSV of all the adjustments Adpulse has made to your Ad Account. This will include:

  • Adjustments made by AutoPacing

  • Pausing and enabled done by AutoProtect

You can access this from the Triple dot menu on the budget row, by selecting 'Adjustment History' and then choosing a 'last x days' date range.

New Daily Budget Spend Alert

We have added the ability to create a 'Daily Budget Spend Alert', so you can now create Budget Alerts for:

  • Daily Budget Spend

  • Period Budget Spend

  • Budget Pacing

It works the same way as the current Budget Spend alert (now called Period Budget Spend) but resets every day.

Daily spend alert is great when you need to know if your spend on any given day exceeds your expected spend. It's perfect for sale days (like Black Friday) when you might spend your budget much faster than anticipated (get the alert, check performance, then maybe increase budget?).

New Insights:

Remove Display Targeting From Search Campaigns (Google)

Search campaigns behave very differently from Display campaigns, and therefore should ideally be in separate campaigns.

This insight will list the campaigns within an Ad Account where the Display Network is enabled within your Search Campaign, and you can choose to remove the Display Network

Ad groups/Ad Sets with zero keywords/ads (All Platforms)

This Insight checks for active adgroups/adsets that are missing active ads and/or keywords. This might be an oversight or an error that is preventing you from generating impressions in the ad group.

Silence Budget Alert notifications for x days at the beginning or end of the period

If you have Budget Spend and Pacing alerts set up on your account, these can quite often trigger in the first few days of the month as the pacing is getting into its usual flow. These are not super helpful so we've added the ability to pause the email notification for the first x days of the period - as well as at the end of the period)

This way you won't be notified in the first few days while the pacing is sorting itself out.

To set this up;

  1. Go to step 4 'Notifications'

  2. Select the number of days you wish to silence the email notifications for

    1. You can silence days at the beginning or end of the period - or both

  3. Press save

The alerts will still be generated by the platform and will be automatically archived in the Alerts Dashboard, but you will not receive a notification during this time.

New Login Options: Microsoft, Facebook, and Amazon

We have added the ability to create user accounts and then log in using Microsoft, Facebook, and Amazon.

Smaller updates:

  • Campaigns and Ad Sets will no longer show under the status filter 'active' if the end date is in the past.

  • Added 'Today's Spend' as a selectable column in the Budget page

  • New Budget Alert: AutoProtect can't decrease the budget due to one Campaign/Ad Set is already at the minimum. Read more.

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