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How to create Custom Budget Alerts
How to create Custom Budget Alerts
Updated over 12 months ago


You can create Custom Budget Alerts, with your own thresholds, and can create multiple alerts for various selections of accounts - essentially setting Spend and/or Pacing thresholds for all of your accounts in one Alert.

The Custom Budget Alert types are:

  • Period Budget Spend

    • This uses the 'period' defined by the budget, ie. monthly, weekly of custom

  • Daily Budget Spend

    • This is resets every day using the calculated daily spend value

  • Budget Pacing

    • This measure pacing for the 'period' defined by the budget

You can apply an alert to a static list of Ad Accounts, or you can include Ad Accounts dynamically, for example:

  • Period Budget Spend Alert when spend is greater than 90% for all Ad Accounts tagged with 'Sunita'

When selecting accounts dynamically, the Budgets included will update according to the criteria. For example, if the criteria is 'All Budgets tagged 'Sunita'' then any new Budgets that match this criterion will be included, conversely any that have the tag 'Sunita' removed will be removed.

Alert Outputs:

Alert outputs appear on the Budget Alert Dashboard but you can also configure them to send emails to Adpulse Users and/or Non-user Contacts (such as a Slack Channel, or email group).

Some examples of Custom Budget Alerts:

Custom Budget Alert 1 - A static list of Budgets

  1. Spend Alert when spend is greater than 90% for all Budgets selected

  2. Pacing Alert when pacing is greater than 120% for all Budgets selected

Custom Budget Alert 2 - A Dynamic list of Budgets based on Budget name equals 'Brand'

  1. Spend Alert when spend is greater than 95% for all included Budgets

  2. Pacing Alert when pacing is greater than 120% for all included Budgets

Custom Budget Alert 3 - A Dynamic list of Budgets based on Tag = Important

  1. Spend Alert when spend is greater than 95% for all included Budgets

  2. Spend Alert when spend is greater than 90% for all included Budgets

  3. Pacing Alert when pacing is less than 80% for all included Budgets

How to create a Custom Budget Alert

You can start the process in a number of ways:

This will open a 4-step wizard that takes you through the process of creating a Custom Budget Alert:

  1. Choose Alert Type (Pacing or Spend) and name the Alert

  2. Select the conditions that trigger the Alert:

    1. 'Greater than' or 'Less than' ('Less than' only for Pacing)

    2. 'Currency' or 'Percentage' ('Currency' only for Spend)

    3. Value

  3. Choose Budgets that this Alert will apply to:

    1. Static - choose a defined selection of Budgets

    2. Dynamic - use the filter to generate a selection of Budgets

  4. Choose who receives the notification when an Alert is triggered

    1. All Alerts display on the Alerts Dashboard

    2. Can select from Adpulse Users

    3. Can select from Non-user Contacts (such as a Slack Channel, or email group).

Reviewing Custom Budget Alerts

All Custom Budgets Alerts are listed under Settings > Budget Settings > Custom Budget Alerts as well as where a Custom Budgets Alert applies to a Budget, it will appear in the Budget Settings.

How to review the Custom Budgets Alerts that relate to a Budget

Each Budget will list the Budget Alerts that include it, as per the example below of the Edit Budget Settings page.

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