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How to Create A Budget
How to Create A Budget
Updated over a week ago

There are two types of Budgets:

  1. Account Budgets

  2. Child Budgets

Account Budgets

You can have one Account Budget per Ad Account and it automatically includes all the campaigns within that Ad Account. Typically this is the first budget created for an Ad Account

Use Case for Account Budget: The client has a budget target and CPA for all of their activity.

Child Budgets

You can have as many Child Budgets as you like, they are a collection of campaigns/shared budgets within a single Ad Account. You can select the campaigns/shared budgets within a Child Budget a number of ways - How to use the Campaign Selector when creating a Child Budget.

Use Case for Child Budget: You want to set Budget Targets and KPIs at a more granular level. For example, you might want to create separate Child Budgets for; Brand Campaigns, Remarketing, Display, Performance Max, etc

How to Create a Budget for an Imported Account

  1. Click on Budgets in the left navigation and click ‘Create Budget’. Alternatively, you can also click the triple-dots from the budget row. The options here are:

    1. Create Account Budget

    2. Create Child Budget

  1. Select an Ad Account (this will be prepopulated if you used the triple-dot option)

  1. Select the campaigns and/or Shared Budgets to include in this Budget

    1. Account Budget defaults to all Campaigns/Shared Budget and cannot be changed

    2. You can select the campaigns/shared budgets within a Child Budget in a number of ways - How to use the Campaign Selector when creating a Child Budget.

  1. Next, enter the details required for the Budget:

Required Fields


Budget Name

The name for this budget


This is the frequency of the recurring budget. Options are;

  • Monthly

  • Weekly

  • Custom

Start Day of SchedleuSchedule

When you create a new budget you can specify a start day of the month for this schedule.

Scheduled Budget Target

This is the recurring budget target. Updating this will only update the Budget Target from the beginning of the next period - great if you want to update Budgets for next month!

Budgets in Adpulse are always created in the currency of the account.

Rollover Strategy

When using a rollover strategy, any unspent budget will increase the next budget period, and overspent budget will reduce it. Options are:

  • All unspent/overspent budget

  • Up to a maximum amount

  • Up to a maximum percentage


Set a KPI to track your performance, and optimize the Insights generated for your campaigns. Options are:

  • Cost per Conversion

  • Conv. Value / Cost

  • #Conversions

KPI Detail

Here you select the value against the KPI type. Options are:

  • Last Period (uses data from the last period)

  • Last 2 Periods (uses data from the last 2 periods)

  • Last 3 Periods (uses data from the last 3 periods)

  • Same Period Last Year

  • Fixed (you can enter a fixed KPI value, ie CPA = $5.20)

Current Budget - Budget Target

This is the budget for the current period (editing this does not affect the Scheduled Budget above)

Current Budget - Pro-rata

Enabling Pro-Rata sets the Budget Target at a pro-rata value for the initial Budget Period. It will calculate the budget portion for the rest of the period (budget/days) and use that as the Budget Target for that period. This will only impact the first budget period and the full Budget Target will be used for subsequent periods.

Current Budget - Initial Rollover

Enter any rollover amount manually when creating the budget - if applicable

Current Budget - Total Budget

This is the Total Budget for the current period and is the value that pacing and AutoPacing will use.

Smart Budget Settings


Autoprotect is a Smart Budget feature that will automatically pause campaigns when the budget exceeds the configured threshold. To enable AutoProtect, check the Enable box and enter a percentage threshold that will trigger it.


Autopacing is a feature that will automatically adjust your daily budget based on your spending. There are two algorithms you can select here, but we recommend the default 'Linear Pacing' to start with. Read more about the AutoPacing Algorithm and how they work here.


Notifications are sent when AutoProtect pauses and enables campaigns, and when there is an issue with updating the daily budget via AutoPacing.

You can send notifications in two ways:

  1. Via an email to an Adpulse user - simply select the User Tag (Managing Tags)

  2. Via a third-party platform by using Non-user Contacts

Finally, click 'Create Budget'

The Budget will be created and the data populated in a matter of seconds with data updated hourly.

Now you have created a Budget with a KPI, this will now appear on the Account Performance chart on the Dashboard. Read more about how you can use the Dashboard here.

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