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Managing Tags
Updated over a week ago

You are able to apply Tags to Ad Accounts and then filter results throughout the platform using these tags.

There are two types of Tags:

  1. User Tags -

    1. One User Tag exists per user and is recognizable as an avatar is included within the tag. Is used to assign certain accounts to a user

  2. Generic Tags -

    1. Can create as many as needed and applied to accounts for any reason. Some example tags:

      1. Important Accounts

      2. Verticals - 'Plumbing', 'Electrical'

      3. Teams

      4. Geographies ''UK', 'FR'

Assigning Tags to Accounts

Creating Tags

User tags are created automatically when a user is created. The user can update their tag under My Profile

You can create Generic Tags within Settings Tags:

  • Click 'Add Tag'

  • Enter a name for the Tag

  • Enter a Description for the tag (optional)

  • Select a color (choose a preset, or pick your own using 'custom')

  • Click 'Add'

Editing and deleting a Tag

You can edit tags within Settings. Any edits you make will be reflected across all instances where that tag appears.

  • Click the Kebab menu next to the Tag

  • Select 'Edit'

  • You can update the name, description, and color

  • Click 'Save'

As a shortcut - you can also open the above edit menu by clicking on the Tag

Deleting the tags is the same process, but select 'Delete' instead of 'Edit'

Filtering by Tags

You can then use Tags to filter the results throughout the platform. When you apply a Tag it will remain filtered as you move between different sections of the platform. Currently, you can filter on:

  • Dashboard

  • Budget/KPIs

  • Insights

  • Search Terms

  • Accounts

You can click on the tag to filter by that tag, and click it again to un-filter by it.

Or, use the dropdown box:

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