Spikes and Drops are performance monitoring alerts where you can select a metric and then thresholds to trigger a notification.
There are two types of Spikes and Drops alerts:
Fluctuation monitor - % variance compared to a previous time period
Example: last 7 days (sum of) Impressions have increased by greater than 50% compared to the average of last 3 periods (the period being 7 days in this example)
Threshold monitor - Enter an actual number and trigger if the metric exceeds/drops below it
Example: last 7 days CTR is less than 5% (Optional: set minimum metric to run check, ie. Imps greater than 1,000)
The metrics available to monitor are:
How to create a Spikes and Drops alert
Navigate to Alerts
Clicks on 'Create an Alert'
Select 'Spikes and Drops Alert'
Step 1
Enter a name for the alert
Select the alert type:
Fluctuation - % variance compared to a previous time period
Threshold - Enter an actual number and trigger if the metric exceeds/drops below it
Step 2 - Threshold Monitor
Select the metric
Select a date range
Select an operator:
Less than
Greater than
Enter a value as the threshold
Select an optional minimum before the alert would run, ie. Minimum 1,000 impressions
Select a metric
Enter the minimum value
Step 2 - Fluctuation Monitor
Select the metric
Select a date range
Select the date range to compare against
Select an operator:
Less than
Greater than
Enter a value as the threshold
Select an optional minimum before the alert would run, ie. Minimum 1,000 impressions
Select a metric
Enter the minimum value
Step 3
Here you can select the accounts and campaigns the alert will run against.
Note: Spikes and Drops alerts can be run at either the account level or the campaign level
Use the Account Selection and Tag filters to select which accounts you'd like to run the alert against.
If you leave the Campaign Selection blank it will run at the Account level, but by filtering the campaigns it will run at the Campaign level.
Step 4
All Alerts will display on the Alerts Dashboard, but you can also choose to also have them emailed immediately to Adpulse users, or other email(s). Find out more about how to add Slack, Teams, etc.
How to view generated alerts
When an alert is triggered it will display on the Alerts tab under Spike and Drops. If you have configured a notification, then this will also fire and either send an email or a message to your connected messaging app.